Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Schmidts

Talk about an adorable family! They were SO much fun to follow around the playground in the Luxembourg Gardens.

I love this moment:
And who could resist these faces? This one is hilarious:

I really wish I could have gotten more shots of their family interactions. This is all such a good learning experience for me! I have never done a full family before so this was the first. Thank Natalie for being my guinea pigs!

Karstyn's Birthday

One of our playgroup friends, Karstyn recently had a birthday party! It was great fun:

I love this pic. It's my favorite. I love her dress colors, the fact that the playground is empty and it seems like it's all hers, and well, I don't know. I just love the feel of this pic:

And voila, Happy Birthday, Karstyn!


I was lucky enough to photograph Claudine when she was abou 35 weeks pregnant. Look at how she just glows:
I wonder what she was thinking during this picture:
Her happiness just really radiated through:
It was a really fun session and she made me feel SO comfortable! Even during her more "revealing" pictures!